Tuesday, June 5, 2007

{seminar} the pursuitt of happyness

1.) Word List

Abhors- To shudder. To regard with extreme repugnance. To loathe.

Tirades- A long angry speech, usually of criticism or denunciation.

Cajoled- To persuade somebody to do something by flattery or gentle but persistent argument.

Euphemism- A word or phase used in place of a term that may me considered too direct or harsh.

Brethren- The members, especially men, of a particular church or other religious group.

Bourgeois- According to the Marxist theory, relating to the social class that owns most of the wealth, and is regarded as exploiting the middle class.

A. “By my definition, money is the least significant part of wealth.” By this I think Gardner means that being able to provide for his whole family is more significant than the actual money. My definition of wealth is having everything I have ever wanted, being able to provide for my loved ones, no longer having to work, and being able to travel the world carefree of expenses.

B. Gardner shows a remarkable resiliency to overcome abuse, homelessness, and other hardships. The important factor that create this resiliency is his character. Gardner has an ability to find the positive in all things. He has been able to take whatever circumstances he’s in and make them work. He doesn’t dwell on the negative. He gets knocked down, and gets back up. I would say that my grandparents displayed similar characteristics to Gardner. They went through the depression where they virtually had nothing, and were able to come out of it. They went on to purchase a home in a middle class neighborhood where they raised four children.

There wasn’t much holding me in Milwaukee. After that spring of 1970, while watching the March Madness NCAA finals when Moms gave me the greatest gift her wisdom could offer by saying, “Son, if you want to, one day you could make a million dollars,” I knew that wherever my path lay, I was to have to leave my home turf and go find it (Gardner 114)

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